Shuvom Sadhuka


đź“Ť Stata Center

I am a PhD student at MIT CSAIL, advised by Bonnie Berger. I also collaborate with Emma Pierson. Broadly, I am interested in evaluation, uncertainty estimation, and decision-making, often in the context of biomedical problems. To me, evaluation is a two-way street:

  1. Develop and use new tools to evaluate human decision-makers and data. Some past and ongoing work includes evaluating privacy risks in “anonymous” genomic datasets (link) and building Bayesian models of clinical decision-making.
  2. Develop new metrics and methods to analyze ML systems themselves. Given thorny issues in our data — noisy labels, sparse labels, and so on — it is unsurprising that evaluations of performance are often unreliable. On this front, I’ve been investigating how to use unlabeled data to estimate performance of models (link) and am more broadly interested in how to develop proper evaluations.

I am grateful for the support of the Hertz Fellowship and the NSF GRFP. You can find my CV here. I enjoy writing, and you can find my blog posts here. You can contact me at ssadhuka [at] mit [dot] edu.

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